Creative Cursing…


I picked up this book while with Nomad called Creative Cursing.  Well I figured since I have a “sailor mouth” anyways, why not?  I might learn something….or laugh a little harder?  You never quite know with me.  I brought this into the office with me yesterday.  I thought it might be able to loosen everyone up (or get us a sexual harassment suit!) from the already tight tense atmosphere.  OH it totally did the trick….

Most of these words I will not mention for fear of there being little ears…that is not the way I want to scar children.  I already scar them with my spastic and random personality…I am like a nothing they have ever met and because of that I am preeeeetttttyyyy sure they might at first be afraid of me.  That’s ok.  I would rather them be afraid of me for being a little weird than me having to put the “fear of God” in them.  Maybe that’s just me though.

“Nut Muncher” (hehe)

“Panty Bandit” (your face is slowly turning red…I see it!)

…at least I’m not a “Schlong Jacket” (hahaha)

“Sissy Wanker” (what’s that?)

“Snot Biscuit” (eww haha)

…Stop being such a ….”Wench Waffle!!!” (at this point I know you are just crying…)

…YOU….ARE…. SUCH-A…. “Slut Sniffer!!” (bahahahaha!  We all know one of those…hahahahahaha)

…oh yeah?…at least I’m not a “Sack Beater”  (come on….at this point if you are not just about to wet yourself then, there is something wrong with you!!!!)

This is my therapy.  Relatively innocent, or at least I feel like it is!  I woke up not in the best of moods this morning.  I literally had to force myself to choose to smile and that wasn’t too hard because the sun started to shine!  WHOO!!

Have you ever just realized that things are just as good as they ought to be?  Prayers are answered and everything is starting to make a little more sense!  🙂

Come on Nomad?  Really? OK nothing implied here but, I really like this song at the present moment.  Kind of funny.  Freaked you out didn’t I??  😉

