Saying Goodbye is Never Easy


Do you know any nurses out there? They have the hardest job next to being a mom. My friend Erica recaps her 2014 with the ups and downs of being an Oncology Nurse. Happy New Years! Let’s bring it on 2015!

Anchor Drop - a safe harbor to talk about life

2014 has just a few short hours left. How is that possible? Where did the time go? Saying goodbye is never easy and 2014 was a year of goodbyes for me. Goodbyes suck. Even when they are opening up the door to something else, there is a pain and mourning that goes with each one. And I had a lot of them this year, A LOT.

Let go and begin again

Tonight I sat and walked through the goodbyes of 2014. From the beginning of the year where relationships that needed to be parted ways with were, saying goodbye to living in the city and the neighborhood I loved, transitioning to a new job, and the hardest part of all, each patient I said goodbye to. My heart aches and the tears roll down my face as I reflect back on 2014. It was a hard year. There are moments from this year…

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Back On The Wagon


Check out my girl Megan’s post on getting back on track. That is the hardest problem for me. My weakness? Holiday sweets….darn them!

Anchor Drop - a safe harbor to talk about life

I have fallen off the wagon. And unfortunately it has taken me too long to really see and acknowledge I have. My eating habits through the holidays have been awful. I have fully enjoyed sweets and indulgent food and my waistline has definitely been showing it.

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Single During the Holidays – It Really is OKAY


To all my single ladies….

Anchor Drop - a safe harbor to talk about life

Today I had the privilege of taking care of one of my favorite patients. He is an older gentleman and often forgets what he asked me the week before. As a result, some of his questions repeat themselves, including his advice. It is a regular question to ask me if I am married and when I answer no, if I am dating someone, I then say no again. His response is always “and that is okay!”

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Be With Someone That Makes You Feel Nothing Short of Amazing




“I define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship.” Brené Brown

(Photo credit: Charlie Foster)


I often find fear is the root cause in terms of what makes people settle…fear that we will not come across something better than the status quo and therefore we succumb to lounging in misery and even convince ourselves that we are content with it. Brene Brown, an acclaimed researcher who examines issues like vulnerability, has previously been featured in TED talks and brought up an interesting point. In efforts to not take away from her brilliance, I will briefly summarize. She points out that we take quite a bit of time (in my case 25 years) to truly accept and love ourselves. We are our own toughest…

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Beauty Gifts


Here is my latest post ‘beauty’ post…if you are in need of some ideas for your female friends and family, here are a few ideas that might help!

Anchor Drop - a safe harbor to talk about life

There is nothing I love more than to come across a good gift for an amazing price! The holiday’s are expensive enough let alone trying to purchase the perfect gift for your loved ones.

Being in the Beauty Industry, I want to find items that are a little more personalized than the generic items that seem to plague the stores this time of year. I know that beauty items are in themselves so expensive, but here are a few gift ideas to help you out.

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